Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010


I would like to thank Pastor John for all of his hard work taking the time to study ALL the scriptures on this subject so he could share the real purpose of this aspect of our Christian life. For his knowledge and love for history that illuminates the scriptures. For not being afraid to answer difficult questions and using a positive approach rather than attempting to use guilt and fear or threat of curses to somehow force more giving out of people. For taking the time to read Graeme Carle's study on the subject and not be fearful of commenting on it. Very refreshing and enlightening. People that are secure in what they know and believe need not fear those with honest questions.


1. God's Plan For Giving- Before Moses
Genesis 14 - Abraham goes to war
Genesis 28 - Jacob wrestles with God

Question : Why 10%
Answer: 10% was symbolic of giving ALL.
When you read the scripture in verses 18-20. Abraham was so thankful to God for being delivered from his enemies he gave 10% of everything to Melchizedek. Nobody told him to do that. This was not just an arbitrary number he pulled out of the air. It was understood at that time that the number 10 symbolized giving ALL to God. When you think about it the number 10 is important to God. He gave us 10 fingers and ten toes and our metric number system is multiples of 10. Makes sense!

Three Important Observations:
1.) Tithing occurred before the law
2.) It was not commanded
3.) It was a symbol of completeness

2. God's Plan for Giving- From Moses to Jesus
a. The Levites Tithe ( Numbers 18:21,24)
This was for their service in the temple
Purpose: To care for the needs of those who served " full-time".

New Testament Application: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14

b. The Festival Tithe ( Deut. 14: 22-24)
Purpose: To stimulate reverence and devotion to God

New Testament Application: 2 Corinthians 9:12; Philippians 4 :18

c. The Benevolent Tithe ( Deut 14:28-29)
Purpose: To help the needy

New Testament Application: James1:27; 2 Corinthians 8 and 9

3. Freewill Giving
a. First fruit giving ( Numbers 18:12-13)
b. Freewill offerings ( Exodus 25:1-2& chapter 35)

New Testament Application:
To establish principals to live by

Matthew 6:21 " For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

As Christians we give because we love the Lord, to look after those that labor full time on our behalf, as a form of worship bringing it before the Lord in reverence to him, and to look after those in need. God owns everything, he gave us a portion of it, we need to be good stewards of what he gave us. We give 10% because that symbolizes giving our ALL back to him. It's a tangible way to say: " I love you Lord, more than anything else in this world". We don't give in order to get anything back in return.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Leading By Example

I have just been blown away by the number of people that are being saved as a result of the outreaches that are going on in my church. I've never personally witnessed so many salvation's. Just this past week our youth group under the leadership of Shawn Symons, lead 4 young people to Christ at Jackson Square in downtown Hamilton. To my knowledge this is the second time they have been there. There were seven baptized today, four of whom were giving their life to the Lord for the first time as a result of others witness and friendship. When someone gives their life to Christ at my church, a candle is lit at the front of the church. There haven't been very many weeks since I started attending last October when that candle hasn't been lit. I asked myself why? Why is this happening? The answer I received was because there has not been one week go by when the Word Of God and the Gospel has not been preached from the pulpit. God's Word is powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. Now our church is going out door to door throughout this city to bring the gospel to people in their homes, lead by the senior pastor. Wow! That's leadership by example. This is exactly the example Jesus himself and his disciples left for us to follow. It's so exciting to be part of something that you know is in the center of God's will lead by the Holy Spirit.
A growing church is a healthy church.
I'm just so thankful for what the Lord is doing and allowing me to be a part of it.
Praise God!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I was looking for something to read today before starting my shift, anticipating a slow day, since nothing was open and the strike halted all Canada Day celebrations. That amounts to people not travelling around and a holiday for the bus driver. Lot's of time to read at the end of the line. Nothing was open, so I picked up this free magazine from a stand at Royal York Subway Station called " Fifty Five Plus Magazine". Surprisingly, it had some interesting articles in it. The first one I read was about a retired Major-General Lewis Mackenzie, who is retired from the Armed Forces and is now speaking on leadership and racing cars. He is very highly respected and in much demand as a public speaker and lecturer. What caught my eye was some tips on leadership taken from his book " Soldiers Make Me Look Good". I thought I would like to share them with you. These tips come from pages 231 to 248 of his book.
Here they are:

Definition: Leadership is getting people to do what they don't necessarily want to do, and having them enjoy the experience.


-be yourself

-Lead by wandering about: your primary responsibility is the people who work for you.

- Listen: pay attention and pick up good ideas.

- Set difficult but achievable objectives: determine how much is enough to be proud of and how much is too much to ask.

- Accept responsibility, even when you're not responsible. Accepting responsibility frequently makes the problem go away much more quickly.

- Be an actor. This means be consistent. A good leader does not exhibit moodiness.

- Think outside the box. Step back and think about the problem. Don't just tinker with the status quo.

- Strive for ethical decision-making. Imagine that someone you love is looking over your shoulder when the decision involves an ethical issue. Then you will do the right thing.

- Have the courage to disagree. It's a leaders job to create an atmosphere in which honest disagreements are aired.

- Prepare and train your subordinates.

- Be approachable.

Good advice from someone with over 35 years experience and has spoken to over 1,ooo,ooo people. He also wrote a best seller in 1993 called " The Road To Sarajevo".
He is also humble enough to say; " I'm not an author". He'd rather be known as a race car driver. He does that very well too!

Very Interesting.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was watching 100 Huntley Street this morning and they were talking on the subject of gangs and why young people are joining them in the big cities at an alarming rate and have been doing so for the past 15 to 20 years. There were two testimonies, one from a young Muslim man in Vancouver's east side, who was in a gang from a very young age. He had a twin brother in the same gang who murdered somebody and ended up in prison. This tragedy along with his parents converting to Christianity was the catalyst that led to his conversion. His life was totally changed and now he has dedicated his life to helping educate students and street kids against joining the gangs. He stated that the purpose he joined a gang was because he had a deep desire to have some kind of identity that would give him a sense of belonging and self worth. He found this identity in Christ. A peace he did not know existed.
The other guy is a politician from Alberta, who used to be a gang leader. I can't remember his name, but I'm going to find out because he wrote a book I want to read. His first name is Serge, I think. His position is Secretary in the penal system( to do with jails in particular). He is very knowledgeable about gang life and what needs to be done to correct the problem. He too, stated that it is an identity problem in young people that leads them into gang life. The cause of this identity crisis comes from many sources. Partly due to the break up of the family, the introduction of left wing Humanist values in our society, and the taking of God out of the schools and political systems. The thing that interested me about his testimony was how he first saw Jesus when he read the bible for the first time. He was in jail doing time for drug manufacturing and got a hold of a Gideon new testament for something to read. He read the story of Jesus and his disciples and could totally relate to it. He said; " Jesus the gang leader had 12 members, one of whom was a snitch who handed him over to a rival gang and took over his turf and killed him." He could totally understand the story from his perspective as a gang leader himself. The thing that got him though and ultimately led to his conversion, was the fact that after Jesus died, the scattered members ( disciples) came out of hiding and were willing to die for him. This really touched him. Then when he read that Jesus also died for him so he could live. He totally got it. He is now dedicating his life as a politician to bring prison reform in to our penal system.
I thought that was such a cool way to look at it. Jesus the gang leader who was willing to die for his members, then and now. It worked for him!
I'm going to find out his name and the book title and I'll let you know what it is. Should be good.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


The sermon today was based on John Chapter 4: 1-30. It was a short one because we had 7 baptisms, but as always, a good one. It's the story about the the Samaritan women at the well. You know the story. Jesus is talking to this women at Jacobs well, which was a no no for a Jewish man to be doing that. As we know Jesus was no normal Jewish man, he was God in the flesh. I've read this story many times and as usual, when Pastor John tells it, I see something I have not seen before in the scripture. The conversation starts out about water, because Jesus was thirsty after a long journey, but then very quickly turns into a spiritual lesson. We need food and water to sustain our physical bodies. What Jesus was offering this women was not physical in nature. He was offering her "living water". Jesus pointed out to her that the water from the well only satisfies for a short time and then you keep needing more to be filled. The water he was offering satisfies forever and even creates a spring from within that keeps on filling the emptiness within. Each person has an emptiness and a longing and a thirst for this spiritual living water. We don't necessarily know what it is other than an emptiness that needs to be filled. Before we knew Jesus, we would fill this void with all kinds things. Careers, hobbies, sports, alcohol, drugs,sex, and anything else we liked. But it is never enough, we always need more to keep trying to fill that void. There is only one thing that can permanently fill this emptiness and that is the living water Jesus talked about. Plain water is still. Living water is moving and pure and alive. There is only one thing that keeps us from receiving this water and that is the sin in our life. As he pointed out the women's sin by all the men she had been in relations with, was keeping her from this living water.
So. if we want that deep emptiness within us to be permanently satisfied and filled, we need to deal with the sin in our life and receive the living water Jesus offers us.
Then the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Talk 10- The Manifesto Of The New Sexual Revolution

This is the conclusion of this series, Sex And The City Of God. This topic is a passion of Pastors John's and is something that has been burning in his heart for some time. It has revolutionized my thinking on the subject of sex, particularly as it relates to Christians and answered many of my unanswered questions and has given me a whole new perspective and understanding of the Word Of God as it relates to our sexuality. One of my questions which was answered is; : Why have so many Christian leaders and churches fallen into sexual sin in recent times?

If you are interested in watching this series it is all recorded and you can see it at It would be an excellent teaching series for a church on Sunday evenings or for a bible study discussion group. CD's and tapes of the whole series can be ordered for a nominal fee.

This lesson is based on principal #5- The Glory of God.
When we sin sexually we are hurting the Lord God.
God's displeasure can be seen :
1) As a Law-Giver- It was God that gave the law through Moses and the Ten Commandments. When we break the law, we do wrong to the giver of the law.
2) As a lover- We can see in scripture that God loved King David. He chose him to be King. When we look at 2 Samuel 12:7-9, we can see how God was talking about suffering a personal wrong. He was telling David of all the good he had done for him from the time he was a shepherd boy to the time he was made King of Israel. God gave many gifts to David and even provided for his sexual gratification. In verse 9, we read the words of a heartbroken lover. It was these words that devastated David and put him on the road to repentance. Psalm 51:4 is really not accurate, because David sinned against many others, not just God. Bathsheba, Uriah, his family, and himself, just to name a few.
The root of sexual sin is spiritual, not physical. Sexual sin is committed not because we lack anything, but usually happens in the midst of great blessing. We want what we can't have. The forbidden fruit. Satan would like us to think this will bring us freedom, but only results in bondage and judgement. His strategy is to get us focused on what we can't have so we forget all the blessings we have received from God. He would have us think God is deceiving us, not him. We think, If I don't act on my own I won't get what I want. When we believe Satan's lies and take matters into our own hands we do great harm to God.
The real fuel that drives sexual passion is not physical, it is spiritual. Sexual sin is the result of Idolatry, greed and covetousness. Sexual sin is rooted in Idolatry. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a prime example of sexual sin that flowed out of a self centered idolatrous lifestyle. The scripture mentions the sin of Idolatry much more than the sexual sin itself, although it was evident that was the result.

The generation that grew up in the 60's and 70's was willing to lead and to rebel over a cause. We could see that with all the riots in the Universities in the U.S. during that time period. Our current generation, unfortunately has very few leaders. Many would rather follow that lead.
Jesus has given us a cause to rebel against the status quot.
He is to be the center of our life, not only the savior that saves us from hell, but to be Lord of every aspect of our life which should revolve around him, including and especially our sexuality.
We should have the attitude; " I will die before I sin against him"
This is a radical way to live.
We should want not only to live well for Christ, but we should want to finnish well!

At the conclusion of the talk, Pastor John called for all the men who wanted to join the New Sexual Revolution to join him at the front of the church to make a public commitment before God to be leaders in our homes, and our society and to live a life of sexual purity for Christ. Hundreds of men got down on their knees and made that commitment.
I was one of them.
Thank you Pastor John for your courage and your obedience in teaching this series and may God richly bless you.